Tuesday, October 30, 2007

New Album FOW Germans.

It has been a wile since my last post, in the mean time I was able to visit Strategicon Club in Athens and to my surprise I watched a FOW game. When I came back I started searching under the piles of metal and found some 15mm Battlefront Figures and started painting them. The result was a 1943 Pzgrenadier platoon.
Hope you’ll enjoy the photos on the New Album


MikeH said...

Beautiful work Mate

I cant believe these are 15mm

ghpainting said...

thank you Mike

Bill T said...

I have to agree these are the best 15mm figures I have ever seen.
I'd give my right arm for a platoon like that. Well done George! :o)

Webmaster of www.tiny-soldiers.com said...

I love your painting style George. Is there the possibility that you will do a "howto paint FOW Minis the George way"? Would be happy if you do so, so I can tra to paint my FoW minis like you do.


webmasterof http://www.tiny-soldiers.com

ghpainting said...

Thank you Bill no need to cut your arm we need you in good condition in order to continue sculpting.
Thank you Ingo, I have something in mind, but it will take some time until its ready.

Webmaster of www.tiny-soldiers.com said...

That sounds good George, cant wait to see ;)