Saturday, March 26, 2016


Dear Readers,

A week ago i paid a visite to Andreas Panagopoulos (a.k.a. Kaiser Bill) and had long - splendid talk about miniatures painting  and wargaming surounded by his beautiful collection of miniatures and uniforms.
Andreas was kind enough to give me some static grass turfs he makes for some local shops to test them on my bases.
Although i was thinking of using them on my late war Germans on the way home i desided that they were better suited for a "mediteranean" themed base. Luckily two of the figures i had taken with me for Adreas to see where unfinished Mycenaen Warriors from Foundry so what a better excuse to have them finished.

And here is the first one:

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As for this figure:

The sword blade was replaced by hand made metal one made from some left over realy thick photoeched frames ( from the construction of a ship) since i found that the original one was too fragile.
The shield was also hand made from plasticard ( since i had only the figure with me) .
For the N.M.M. Bronze i was inspired by the illustrations of the Late Agnus McBride and Jose Daniel Cabrera Pena.
The colors i used are:
822 German black brown
921 English uniform
814 Green ochre
858 Ice yellow
Black and White
All Vallejo Model Color

Finally the Turfs

I had never used turfs in the past so i dont have any experience with other manufacturers but i have to say that the turfs Andreas makes are perfect, not only for display bases but and espesialy for wargaming ones. These turfs are extremely tough and i expect them to withstand any gaming - transportation hardness.

Thats all for now

